Buffalo, New York

Helen and I headed to Buffalo last week for a trunk show and demo at the Aurora Sewing Center stores.
Our quilts getting ready for the first group show and demo.
..and here we are
We don't live near each other.  It was great spending time together.
This was the next day of trunk show and demo.  
This was the first time we have ever done this together and can I just say how awesome and great Helen is!!  She and I compliment each other well.  I figured out the ladies take her more serious than they take me!
Here I am talking about my Urban Pods quilt.
 I felt much more comfortable behind the camera and Helen was doing "her thing" with the demo!

We met the nicest ladies at the shops!

Oh..and yes it was just a little bit cold!!  Okay.. a lot!!

~Jenny and Helen~

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