Urban Nine Patch Quilt

Stephanie's Urban Nine Patch quilt is all done!!  A lot quilting on this little beauty!

I love the overall feel of how this quilt turned out!

I tried to keep the quilting more on the feminine side....some frills, flowers and lace edges did the trick.

Stephanie used a linen for the background fabric.  The quilting around the blocks sort of remind me of a knitted blanket.

I used Sew Fine for the thread and switched thread color for each block, matching the block the best I could....for instance, for the gray and aqua block above, I used and aqua colored thread both in the aqua and gray fabric.  For all the white and linen I used an off white thread.  

I used double batting (warm and white).

There is a pattern available for this quilt here.  Stephanie did up her blocks on point which is different than the pattern layout.  Basically you would need to follow the instruction on how to assemble a block than put them on point and configure the background fabric yourself. 

Stephanie has waited a LONG time for this quilt and I'm so happy to have it done for her!


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When is the giveaway?? I love these mznaaiges I get them at my local grocery store, as a special treat when I need a little pick-me-up! (They go well with a Starbucks latte too!) I know, I know, I should really just subscribe but it’s more fun this way! ~mama pris



I was gifted a mixed set of tahred. I have the feeling it will take a long time to use it all.Thanks for leaving me a comment. I am going with the faded fabric and think it will look OK in the end.



Hi Brye, Strip twist is very very effective. Love it. I watend to tell you that you recording in the car on the last podcast was great. Worked out really well and I hope you will do it again safely of course. I listen to a lot of my podcasts in the car, I’m in it for work a lot of the day, or when I’m quilting. Helps me to focus and get motivated. I want to see more photos. Thanks Brye. Love Vanessa (Aust)

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