Quilting and Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that quilting and blogging go hand in hand for me.  If I'm not blogging...I'm not quilting.  I've felt somewhat overwhelmed lately with the kids school starting and everything else life related. 

I've missed blogging and quilting so much! I find so much of my motivation and simply kick in the pants through blogging.  

At the beginning of the year I made a really hard but needed decision and that was to shut down my longarm quilting business.  I had gone back and forth about it for quite a while and finally realized I couldn't meet the demands of running a longarm quilting business along with with my new pattern business.

I took in some customer quilts before making this decision and those special ladies have been so kind and patient with me...and if you know me you know how I work, it's either all or nothing.   I'm diving in head strong and can't wait to start quilting these up.  I will of course take pictures of my progress and try to share some "Quilting Tricks, Tips and Techniques" on my other blog. 

...on another note, I made a sock monkey while on vacation!

 It was a fun craft project I brought for the kids!  I found a great tutorial here.  


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