Quilting ~ Thoughts??

I woke up early to work on my "Urban Nine Patch" quilt and while quilting away I was thinking about a lot of things, that's what I do when I'm quilting repetitive lines and designs over and over and over and over!

While thinking and thinking....I came up with an idea or a thought and was hoping to get some suggestions from my favorite advice friends.

When I started this blog, I really wanted to separate it completely from longarm quilting.   At the time I was very burned out with longarm quilting and wanted to keep the posts on this blog all about me and my own quilting, piecing and designs.  So much of what I do, I guess you could say half of what I do when it comes to quilting is longarm quilting on my quilts.

I have cut back on quilting for customers but will always have one of my own quilts to quilt up.  I love coming up with a new design and love piecing, but I also love the quilting process.  

....so this is where I could use some thoughts or advice.  I've had many ask about my quilting and how and where and how and where....questions.  What if I do one post a week on quilting or longarm quilting?  It may be anything from how to come up with a quilting design for a quilt....or what tools to use....or when to use straight lines versus feathers....or really anything.  I'm not saying I'm an expert, but I have learned a few things since starting longarm quilting and love to help and give advice anyway I can, after all this is a part of who I am as a quilter.

 ....so there you have it!  What do you think?


Are you in the holiday mood yet?  ;o)


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