Challenge Day 32

It's day 32 of my Extended 31 Day Challenge.  I finished up Lisa's 
 little quilt.  It turned out really cute.

First off I want to say thanks to all who commented on the before and after picture of Lisa's quilt on my last post.  I always get so excited to see my own quilting progress on quilts and even more excited to hear what other have to say!!  So, thanks again!

There were a couple of questions brought up on my quilting process and so I wanted to hopefully, answer those questions.

How I did the arc's...the perfect arcs.  Freehand?  No way!

I used an acrylic circle:

I have quite a few different size circles and ended up using this one, I like how it created a gentle arc.

Another questions was how did I do the flower's and did I make them continuous?

Yes, each flower was continuous on their own but not with the rest of the quilting.  I started the flower in the center, did a petal at a time, then ended in the center.  Yes, it was a lot of starts and stops for the flowers but being a small quilt, it didn't bother me at all.  No, I do not bury my threads.  I never have and never will.  I stay stitch at the beginning and end and snip the threads when I'm done.

Hope that answered some questions. 

It was nice doing up a little quilt for once, it's been a while.  It went quick but was very gratifying.  Good job on the quilt Lisa!  

28 of 30 Finished 


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