to my surprise... my surprise I found out last night through e-mail I was going to be featured on Jodi's Blog, "Pleasant Home"!!

She features a sewing/quilting blog every Monday called:

How cool is that!!  Jodi has a great blog, you definitely need to check it out!! Thanks so much Jodi!

I've got so much quilting to do this week, but feel like I can take it on!!  No family visitor' vacations...and certainly not a lot of sun to go to the along with customer quilts I hope to squeeze this one in too:

Not sure the name of this one yet..maybe "Urban Birthday", since I did this up on my Birthday...anyway I had a blast putting this together and am really excited to quilt it up!  I'm going to make my own pantograph for this one using a wavy wood thing I'm going to pick up at Lowe's.  We'll see how it go's??


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