Squaring up Urban Candy blocks
First, line up seams of block (both top and bottom of block), as close as possible, under the reference marks indicated in the pattern. 1 3/4 and 4 1/4 inch marks on ruler. 

Occasionally it may be difficult to square up an Urban Candy block to the 6 1/4 x 9 1/2 as the pattern indicates.
This is not a problem.  Simply square up block to 6 1/4 x 9 1/4 or 6 1/4 x 9. Make sure all blocks are squared up to the same measurements.
The only difference will be is that the finished quilt is a little shorter.

-Sew Kind of Wonderful-

November 18, 2014 by Jenny



Helen said:

Recently attended a workshop to learn how to use this wonderful new ruler,but I am having great problems now at home trying to put together my pieces.I have squared everything up but when I go to produce my chain I am left with too little fabric on one side and too much on the other?? What have I done wrong? Help!

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