Saturday Spotlight - from the blue chair

We are  very excited to spotlight Kati, from the blue chair and her gorgeous Metro Twist quilt!

The additional purple row is fantastic! It's subtle yet you don't miss it! Brilliant!

The backing is so beautiful! It ties the whole quilt together.

Amazingly, she custom quilted this beauty on her standard sewing machine! Now that is talent!

Thanks Kati for letting us spotlight your beautiful quilt and amazing talent! If you'd like to know more about Kati and how this Metro Twist came together, visit her here

We hope your Saturday is productive - especially where quilting is concerned! Happy Quilting! :)

~Sew Kind of Wonderful~

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G Cianci

G Cianci

This quilt is gorgeous and her quilting is amazing! My machine and i certainly need to practice because i would LOVE to quilt something like this someday! g

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