Quilted Stockings!

Made new stockings on Sunday and finished them up last night!!  I'm pretty pleased with them....I've never been happy with my ability to quilt up letters, so the cuffs aren't my favorite, but I can always change them down the road.  For now it works and my kids like them ;o)

I only have time to post pictures today....no details, to much last minute quilts to do, but I think the pictures explain what I did and how I did it....pretty well......

I got this quilting idea from Judi, with Green Fairy Quilts....thanks Judi!

Very BRIGHT...but fun.  I did up the green ones for the boys and let them pick their favorite and the girls picked out there design before I quilted them up.  Still haven't had a chance to quilt up my Christmas quilt...but maybe that will be my Christmas Eve activity.  


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