Happily Chosen!

I've happily chosen the triangles for my DWR quilt and it feels really good!

The gray and yellow curves have been sitting on the ground next to my newly painted walls for a few days now and every time I would go downstairs, I would stare at the curves and my possible triangle options....never completely satisfied....but there was something I liked about them sitting there and it didn't hit me until yesterday!  

While I glanced at them again...for the 100th time, it hit me!

How well they looked next to the soft aqua wall post.  I got so excited and went right into my quilt room and had the exact solid to match!  Loved it right away, not even a doubt....and after pairing it with a few other solids for the alternating triangle, it was an easy choice!

...so I want to thank everyone who gave me some suggestions as to other color options....aqua being one and although I did try the aqua, I had tried some that were to dark and never tried a light aqua.

I've now cut all my fabric out and now, get to start piecing today!


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