Back at It!

Kids started school on Wednesday and I'm getting really anxious to get back into quilting and doing up more patterns.

I've also missed blogging and my blogging friends!  You'll be sure to see many more posts from me now, now that school has started.

Remember this quilt, I did this up last winter.  

 I've put off quilting it and writing the pattern up for it, because I've never been in LOVE with it.  I love the design but I've always felt the fabrics and colors I used never showed it off and gave it justice.  I may be wrong, it may just need some quilting, but I've decided to do up another anyway.

It should go fast, since I took good notes the first time.  Ugly notes but good for me.

 ...and these are the colors and fabrics I've chosen to use for my 2nd one.

 ..and if these solids don't make the design pop....well, I give up then!   I picked up this yummy turquoise polish today.  I've been painting my nails lately, I think it's my way to help me feel good about myself, since I'm sadly loosing my figure these days. 



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