It's day 27 of my 31 Day Challenge. It was a long day today with waking up early for "Lowe's". I finally started quilting at about 6:30 tonight. I did get one row done and will for sure finish it tomorrow. It takes about 15 minutes per row.
I'm doing a freehand overall swirl and think it's fitting for this Christmas quilt.
Here are some of my samples I did up while at the quilt shops this week. It felt like I was sewing curves for the first time because I was sewing standing up on a machine I've never used before!
...and I found this beautiful linen fabric with a polka dot at the Needle and I here in Everett.
I can't wait to use it and hopefully soon!
The kids and I are heading to Utah on Thursday and as I'm sitting here, I just realized that my 31 days ends on Friday!! this is my challenge I think I'm allowed to change the rules just a bit, so after I get back from Utah I'm going to continue my challenge for 8 more days. The two days I'll miss for going out of town, the 4 Sundays I took off and the 2 days I missed for demoing at the Quilt Shops. I still have tomorrow and Wednesday though!
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