Pieced another block together. These go really fast, it only took me about 30 minutes to piece the second block together. Once I knew what I was doing.
This blocks ends up being a 19" block...pretty big. I'm only going to do a 3 x 3 ~ maybe 3 x 4. What's also cool about these blocks is you only need 1/4 yard per block for the prints.
...and on to my challenge and YES still a challenge. Ethne always go's out of her way to comment on my blog and has gone the extra mile for me in so many ways and today she e-mailed me a sketch of an idea for those challenge blocks. It got me to thinking and sort of steered me in a different direction with them.
This is what I have now: (it wasn't completely her idea but kinda)
Sort of different...still thinking about this one. I'll keep you updated with what I do next and I'm sure there will be a next....soon!
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