Well it's late on a Saturday night and finally have a second to sit down and tell you a bit about today.
I ended up teaching a class last minute today on my ruler and patterns! First one and first time showing the ruler to anyone other than family and friends and then demoing it.
This little runner is going to be free with the purchase of the ruler and unfortunately that is all I had today....my rulers and the free pattern.
Like I said it was last minute. Georgia owns the Needle and I and has been so kind and supportive this last year with me and my patterns. I just happened to call the shop a couple of day's ago and that's when she asked if I wanted to show my ruler. I almost said no. But new I had to start somewhere. Right?
The ladies were so great and they loved it! I showed how I cut the curve pieces and then I showed them how I sew them and then I showed them how I square them up! And yes I had my first sells!! And there you have it!
Oh and I was so...so... glad someone didn't say "oh I've seen something like that before, didn't so and so have the same concept"? Few.....that DID NOT happen...my biggest worry. ;o)
It was a great start!!!!!
And my dearsest quilting friends and I are getting together at the quilt shop to play and test my patterns this week. It should be fun and I'm finally seeing an end to this MADNESS!
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