Under the weather..

...so I'm going on 2 weeks with a cold and woke up this morning to an achy neck and massive headache!  I'm doing some custom quilting on a beautiful quilt and can't find the energy to stand and work on it right now.  So I'm going to work on the last of these blocks I started way to long ago.

I love these blocks, but they are a little tedious to put together, as you can see in the picture...all those little pieces and on the bias.  

I've been a little preoccupied with my patterns lately, that some of my UFOs have been neglected.  It always seems to be that what ever you are passionate about at the moment is what you want to do.  That's probably why it's best to start and finish a project before moving on to the next!  But when your feeling it..inspired..you've just got to run with it and at the same time try to squeeze those UFOs in between it all!  Right?

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