New Themed Quilts and Life's Big Events!

Our machines have had quite the workouts!!
We're so excited about our new patterns that will be available the first part of November. Yay!!   

Here are a few sneak peeks! 

At the top is our very fun, brand new, 
Mod Strawberries! Yummy!!

 More scrumptious pineapples! 
Anybody hungry yet?? ;)

We had a lot of fun with themed patterns this time around, can you tell? And, there's so many more  to show you! Soon, very soon!

Juicy pears anyone?

We are so excited to show you the rest! We're certain you will love them all!! 

These past few months have been 
been busy, busy, busy!! Getting ready for market and festival in Houston, plus enjoying all of the many big events in our families lives! 

Here's a quick update for anyone interested.

Let's see, big events?? Like...

Sherilyn's daughter, Laura married her sweetheart, Tanner in Provo Utah. 
What an awesome day that was! :)


Helen's daughter, Rae, graduated from 
BYU Hawaii! Awesome! :)


We had an amazing family reunion in central Utah just before our brother, Lowell and his family moved to Florida! 
So many wonderful memories made!


Sweet Baby Walter

Sweet Baby Halle

Helen, and Sherilyn welcomed brand new grandbaby's to the family, just 4 days apart! We are absolutely in love with these sweet babes! :)

And finally, just this week...

Welcome home Seth!!! :)

Goodbye Taylor - Do good son!!! :)

2 days apart, Helen and Jenny, welcomed and bid farewell to their missionary sons! Helen's son, Seth, returned from his mission in Peru!  And Jenny's son, Taylor, left to serve his mission in Samoa! So happy for them both! We love our missionaries! :)

We will be revealing all of our new patterns soon! Stay tuned! 

Happy Quilting!

~Sew Kind of Wonderful~

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