The Attic Windows quilt design was inspired by the numerous stained glass windows we saw in our teaching travels across Europe in 2023! We wanted to recreate the iconic curved shapes, variety of textures, and beautiful colors in the architecture.
Easy curved piecing/sewing technique is used to achieve this iconic quilt block/stained glass window look. No pinning. No centering. No snipping. Just cut, sew, and square-up.
73" x 87"
Materials: (15) 3/4 yard cuts assorted focus fabrics 1/3 yard teal fabric for setting squares 1/2 yard black fabric for setting strips 1 yard white/black stripe for sashing 5-1/2 yards backing fabric 2/3 yard binding QCR Mini Ruler™ Sew Square 8™ ( or 7" square ruler or larger)