
Did you know we have a Flickr group for anything made, using the Quick Curve Ruler!  I love seeing what quilters are making with the use of the Quick Curve Ruler!

Here are a few projects shared on our Flick page.

This is Debbie's Urban Beads quilt.  I would love to meet Debbie someday and give her a great big hug!  She's done up many...many...QCR quilts.  Isn't this beautiful!

This quilt is Krystal's Urban Pods quilt and I love the blue/gray combination she used!

This lovely little Deco Shimmer block was made by Nilya.  I love how she used all printed fabrics for her background!

We would love to see what you have made with the help of the Quick Curve Ruler!!  Please...please...share your projects with us on our Sew Kind of Wonderful Flicker Page!   


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Beverly Jean Rue

Beverly Jean Rue

Would it be possible to get the pattern for this Block?

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