Quilted up the tester DWR quilt!

I quilted up my tester DWR Quilt and it looks so sweet.  This quilt will be going to my new niece.

I did my new favorite quilting design and love how it looks for it!
I call it my "channel lock easy crosshatch or grid quilting" and talked more about how I did that here.

I used a light sage green flannel for the backing material, warm and white for the batting and bound it with a pink solid.  I like how the pink binding pulled out all the pinks in the quilt.

I love how this quilt turned out so much I've decided to do one up in a boy version for my little one....which by the way..... I have only 7 more weeks left!

I also bound and finished up big sisters quilt!

I used Bombay Blossom for the quilting pattern and used Hobbs batting.

...and in case my brother and sister-n-law see my post today...Congrats!  Hope you enjoy your new baby blanket and I hope Hannah loves her Zig Zag Quilt!


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This made me tear up :*) What a lovely, bftiaueul tribute to your Aunt.I feel that way about knitting .my MIL started teaching me to knit a year before she died. I didn’t get to learn everything I wanted she became too ill and for awhile, I could NOT knit without crying. Now it’s something that makes me feel closer to her.And as for quilting, I’m the quilter in the family and making quilts for everyone has been something very important to me. I have more patterns and fabric than I can probably ever make in this lifetime but it’s something I want to pass down to my kids and theirs.Thank you for such a lovely post! (Saw your comment on Scary Mommy)thecraftyangel recently posted..



The quilt looks wonderful. I wish I had been game and quletid flowers on the border. Ah, there’s always next time.Love the colours and fabric you used.Your daughter’s bedroom and bed look fine. I can see her floor! I can’t remember the colour of my son’s bedroom floor. It hasn’t seen the light of day or any light bulb for quite some time. LOL… I certainly wouldn’t take any photos in there, unless it was for a horror movie!!!!



I have been looking (without suscecs) for the Fun&Done pattern for a log cabin quilt . I saw one at a show and couldn’t get any information on the pattern . could you possibly have this pattern ? (didn’t see it on your website) or point me in the direction of the company that makes the Fun&Done patterns .. thank you for any help you can throw my way Anne

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