Patterns...patterns...and more patterns! if you've purchased the Quick Curve Ruler (QCR)...and thought to yourself, I'll probably use this once or twice and just wasn't sure how much use you would get out of it....well, I'm here to tell you that your QCR options have widened tremendously and this is just the beginning!!

Let me introduce you to "Deco Contrails"!

This is Helen's latest released pattern using the QCR.

I love this quilt!  You can read more about this quilt on her blog and why she named it "Deco Contrails".

...and here is a beautiful grouping of all her patterns.

I'm happy to announce that we are going to be working together on my Quick Curve Ruler adventure and that is why my logo is on her patterns.  I'm completely excited and thrilled about this.  My sisters are my best friends and who better than to have a sister to play, design and brainstorm with!  We have some fun future plans for the QCR, in fact in about a week we are going to start a QAL that has to do with taking traditional blocks and "Curving them up" of course with the QCR!!  Sound fun?  It will be! 

I do have another sister that is crazy talented and it's just a matter of time and I'll snatch her up too!  ;o)

Another perk to having someone to work with is the pressure to getting things done and trying to stay up with her fast releasing patterns.

I plan on quilting these quilts up this week:

The last of my Urban Quilts.  Urban Winter, Urban Tiles and Urban Nine Patch!
...and if you know me, you know I'll be posting my quilting progress on each quilt!   Are you ready?

...and thanks to all the great input on my Urban Winter quilt, I've decided to leave it and love it the way it is!



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I am reading Selling My Soul by Sheri Lewis and. ame acorss your website. I am an aspiring writer but I haven’t a clue about getting started with agents and publisher’s. Can you offer me any advice or suggestions?

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